Configuration File

File containig the information used by the system in order to estimate and store depth-maps from a sequence of images. The file must contain a single JSON objects; the fields of said objects are then used by the system during execution.


Some of these parameters are required by the system and must be present in the JSON object.

Required Parameters

The parameters that must be in the configuration file are

Required Parameters Description type
“camera_file” File containing the the camera matrices (Camera File). string
“pictures_directory” Directory containing the images used during depth-map estimation (Pictures Directory). string
“output_directory” Directory in which the output depth-map will be saved ( Outputs of the System). string
“pictures_file_extension” File extension used by the images in the pictures directory. string
“height” Height of the output depth-maps. It can be different from the height of the original image. int
“width” Width of the output depth-maps. It can be different from the width of the original image. int
“start_frame” starting frame from which estimate depth-maps. int
“end_frame” Ending frame for depth-map estimation. int
“depth_min” Minimum depth-value admissible by the system. float
“depth_max” Maximum depth-value admissible by the system. float
“depth_levels” Number of discrete depth labels used during estimation. These labels are distribuited uniformely between the values “depth_min” and “depth_max”. int

Optional Parameters

The remaining optional parameters are

Optional Parameters Description type
“depthmaps_directory” Directory containing the depth-maps used during bundle optimization (Depth-maps Directory). string
“window_side” Size of the window used when estimating photo/geometry consistency of pixels in compute_energy.compute_energy_data(). A bigger window size means a greater number of samples. int
“sigma_c” Parameter used in function compute_energy.compute_energy_data(). float
“sigma_d” Parameter used in function compute_energy.compute_energy_data(). float
“eta” Parameter used in function lbp.lbp(). float
“w_s” Parameter used in function compute_energy.lambda_factor(). float
“”epsilon”“ Parameter used in function compute_energy.lambda_factor(). float