
compute_energy.lambda_factor(image, ws=1.0, epsilon=1.0)[source]

Compute the smoothness weights for the LBP algorithm.

This functions computes the edge weights that will be used during the executiong of the Loopy Belief Propagation algorithm. The values are inversely proportional to the difference between adjacent pixels’ colors.

image : numpy array, type float32

Array representing an image (so with shape [h, w, 3]).

list of numpy arrays, type float32

Said list contains four smoothness weight arrays with shape [h, w]; one matrix per neighbor direction. More precisely, if we denote the four matrices as M_{up}, M_{down}, M_{left}, M_{right}, we have that

  • M_{up}[y,x] = \lambda((y,x), (y+1, x)),
  • M_{down}[y,x] = \lambda((y,x), (y-1, x)),
  • M_{left}[y,x] = \lambda((y,x), (y, x+1)),
  • M_{right}[y,x] = \lambda((y,x), (y, x-1)).

See also

Loopy Belief Propagation implementation.


the math formula used to compute the lambda factor for an edge (x,y), is given by

\lambda(x,y) = w_s\cdot \frac{u_\lambda(x)}{||I(x) - I(y)|| + \epsilon},

with w_s and \epsilon positive constant values, I(x) the image’s color at pixel x, and u_\lambda(x) is

u_\lambda(x) = {|N(x)|}\big/{\sum_{y'\in N(x)} \frac{1}{||I(x) - I(y')||+\epsilon}}.

compute_energy.compute_energy_data(frame_index, sequence, window_side=10, sigma_c=1.0, sigma_d=2.5)[source]

Compute the data cost term, for frame frame_index, to be used for the LBP algorithm.

This function computes an array with shape [m, h, w], where m is the number of depth labels used, h and w are respectively the pictures’ height and width. The value in this array at position (d, y, x), is inversely proportional to the likelihood that pixel (y,x) has disparity d. this value is computed using multi-stereo photo consistency constraints, and, if sequence.use_bundle()==True, geometric consistency with previously estimated depth-maps (bundle optimization). The result of this function should be used as data cost for the LBP algorithm (see lbp.lbp()).

frame_index : int

Frame whose depth-map is estimated.

sequence : utils.Sequence

Object containing parameters necessary to the depth-maps estimation. It contains the camera matrices, picture arrays, length of the sequence, etc. If sequence contains also previously estimated depth-maps, then the bundle optimization phase is also executed.

numpy array, type float32

Array with shape [m, h, w], with m the number of possible depth labels, and h and w height and width of frame frame_index.

See also

Loopy Belief Propagation implementation.

compute_energy.conujugate_coordinates(sequence, pose1, pose2, coorsxy, d)[source]

Return the image pixel coordinates with respect of two different camera poses.

sequence : utils.Sequence

Sequence object containing the camera parameters.

pose1 : int

Index of the first pose in camera

pose2 : int

Index of the second pose in camera

coorsxy : numpy array, type float32

Homogeneous camera coordinates of shape [3, h, w], the first axis represents the coordinate itself.

d : numpy array, type float32

Array of shape [h,w] that indicates the disparity to use for a certain pixel while computing the conjugate point.

numpy array, type float32

Array with shape [3, h, w] representing the conjugate coordinates.

compute_energy.L2_norm(img_a, img_b, keepdims=True)[source]

Compute the norm of the per-pixel difference between the two images.

img_a : numpy array, type float32

First image, shape [h, w, 3]

img_b : numpy array, type float32

Second image, shape [h, w, 3]

numpy array

Array representing the norm of the difference between the two images. The array has shape [h, w, 1] if keepdims==True, [h, w] otherwise.

compute_energy.homogeneous_coord_grid(h, w)[source]

Compute grid of homogeneous coordinates having three dimensions.

h : int


w : int


out : numpy array, type float32

Grid of homogeneous coordinates with shape [3, h, w], whose first axis indicates the coordinate itself, that is,

out[0, y, :] = y
out[1, :, x] = x
out[2, :, :] = 1