
Loopy Belief Propagation

lbp.lbp(data_cost, edge_weights, step=1.0, eta=1.0, inter_it=2, intra_it=2, scale=2)[source]

Loopy Belief Propagation (LBP) algorithm.

LBP is a dynamic programming algorithm that can be used to find approximate solutions for energy minimization problems over labeling of graphs. In particular, LBP works only with grid-graphs, and this specific implementation works only with graphs representing images; each pixel is a vertex, adjacents pixel are assumed connected by an edge (only in the four cardinal directions, no oblique adjacents).

data_cost: numpy array, type float32

Array with shape [labels, height, width] representing the data cost of the energy funtion.

edge_weights: list of numpy arrays, type float32

List of four arrays with shape [height, width] representing the weights used by the discontinuity cost.

  • The first array contains weights for edges of type (p, p_{up}), with p=(y,x) and p_{up}=(y+1, x)
  • The second array contains weights for edges of type (p, p_{down}), with p=(y,x) and p_{down}=(y-1, x)
  • The third array contains weights of type (p, p_{left}), with p=(y,x) and p_{left}=(y, x+1)
  • The fourth array contains weights of type (p, p_{right}), with p=(y,x) and p_{right}=(y, x-1)
numpy array, type uint16

Array with shape [height, width] containing the depth-values labels (that is, an integer that can be used to obtain the disparity value) per pixel.


Given a graph with vertices (pixels) P and edges N, and a set of labels L (with cardinality m), the goal of LBP is to find a labeling of the vertices \{f_p\}_{p \in V} such that the energy function

\sum_{(p,q)\in N} V(f_p,f_q) + \sum_{p \in P}  D(p, f_p)

is minimized. The terms V(\cdot,\cdot) and D(\cdot,\cdot) are rispecively names discontinuity cost and data cost. The data cost can be any arbitrary mapping between pixel-label pairs over real values (in this case it is passed as input through data_cost). On the other hand, the discontinuity cost between two pixels p and q is defined as

w_{p,q}\cdot\min(s||d_p - d_q||, \eta) ,

with \eta and s positive constants, while w_{p,q} is an edge dependent scalar value (stored in edge_weights).