Source code for compute_energy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from time import time

import cv2 
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

import utils 

[docs]def compute_energy_data( frame_index, sequence, window_side=10, sigma_c=1.0, sigma_d=2.5): """Compute the data cost term, for frame *frame_index*, to be used for the LBP algorithm. This function computes an array with shape `[m, h, w]`, where `m` is the number of depth labels used, `h` and `w` are respectively the pictures' height and width. The value in this array at position `(d, y, x)`, is inversely proportional to the likelihood that pixel `(y,x)` has disparity `d`. this value is computed using multi-stereo photo consistency constraints, and, if ``sequence.use_bundle()==True``, geometric consistency with previously estimated depth-maps (*bundle optimization*). The result of this function should be used as **data cost** for the LBP algorithm (see :func:`lbp.lbp`). See Also -------- lbp.lbp: *Loopy Belief Propagation* implementation. Parameters ---------- frame_index : int Frame whose depth-map is estimated. sequence : utils.Sequence Object containing parameters necessary to the depth-maps estimation. It contains the camera matrices, picture arrays, length of the sequence, etc. If *sequence* contains also previously estimated depth-maps, then the *bundle optimization* phase is also executed. Returns ------- numpy array, type float32 Array with shape `[m, h, w]`, with `m` the number of possible depth labels, and `h` and `w` height and width of frame *frame_index*. """ # TODO check input validity # set the range of possible frames t, start, end = frame_index, 0, sequence.end - sequence.start if t - window_side < start : window_start = start window_end = min(end, window_start + window_side*2 + 1) elif t + window_side + 1> end: window_end = end window_start = max(start, window_end - window_side*2 - 1) else: window_start = t - window_side window_end = t + window_side + 1 # get paramaters h, w = sequence.height, sequence.width levels = sequence.depth_levels depth_values = np.linspace( sequence.depth_min, sequence.depth_max, sequence.depth_levels, dtype=np.float32) # get image at frame cf I_t = sequence.I[t] # initialize indices coordinates x_h = homogeneous_coord_grid(h,w) #[3, h, w] d = np.zeros([h, w], dtype=np.float32) #[h, w] # initialize Likelihood table L L = np.zeros([levels, h, w], dtype=np.float32) #[levels, h, w] for t_prime in tqdm(range(window_start, window_end)): # skip if same image if t_prime == t: continue # get image at frame i I_t_prime = sequence.I[t_prime] for level in range(levels): # photo-consistency constraint ------------------------------------ # fill each position with the current level depht value d[:,:] = depth_values[level] # compute conjugate pixel position using the depth level at time t x_prime_h = conujugate_coordinates( sequence=sequence, pose1=t, pose2=t_prime, coorsxy=x_h, d=d) # remap the image w.r.t. the projected pixels x_prime = np.transpose(x_prime_h[:2,:,:], [1,2,0]) I_t_prime_projected = cv2.remap( src=I_t_prime, map1=x_prime, map2=None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderValue=[128, 128, 128]) # compute the photo constraint term (pc) color_difference = L2_norm(I_t, I_t_prime_projected, keepdims=False) pc = sigma_c/(sigma_c + color_difference) # check if bundle optimization is required if not sequence.use_bundle(): # update likelyhood using photo-consistency contraint L[level,:,:] += pc else: # geometric-consistency constraint ---------------------------- # compute candidate pixels using previously estimated depth values depthmap = sequence.D[t_prime] # get prev. estimated depth d = cv2.remap( src=depthmap, map1=x_prime, map2=None, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderValue=int(levels/2.0)) # fill the matrix d with the conjugate pixels' depth value indices #np.take(depth_values, depth_indices_projected, out=d) # project back from t_prime to t using prev. estimated depth values projected_x_prime_h = conujugate_coordinates( sequence=sequence, pose1=t_prime, pose2=t, coorsxy=x_prime_h, d=d) # compute norm of diff. between original and projected coord color_difference_norm = np.sum( np.square(x_h - projected_x_prime_h), axis=0, keepdims=False) # compute the bundle optimization term (pv) pv = np.exp(color_difference_norm/(-2*sigma_d*sigma_d)) # update likelyhood using photo and geometric constraints L[level,:,:] += pc*pv # compute and return the computed energy values u = np.reciprocal(L.max(axis=0, keepdims=True)) return 1 - u*L
[docs]def conujugate_coordinates(sequence, pose1, pose2, coorsxy, d): """Return the image pixel coordinates with respect of two different camera poses. Parameters ---------- sequence : utils.Sequence Sequence object containing the camera parameters. pose1 : int Index of the first pose in *camera* pose2 : int Index of the second pose in *camera* coorsxy : numpy array, type float32 Homogeneous camera coordinates of shape [3, h, w], the first axis represents the coordinate itself. d : numpy array, type float32 Array of shape [h,w] that indicates the disparity to use for a certain pixel while computing the conjugate point. Returns ------- numpy array, type float32 Array with shape [3, h, w] representing the conjugate coordinates. """ # check input validity ---------------------------------------------------- #assert type(pose1) == int and 0 <= pose1 < len(camera) #assert type(pose2) == int and 0 <= pose2 < len(camera) #assert isinstance(camera, utils.Camera) K = sequence.K R1, T1 = sequence.Rs[pose1], sequence.Ts[pose1] R2, T2 = sequence.Rs[pose2], sequence.Ts[pose2] h, w = sequence.height, sequence.width assert isinstance(coorsxy, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(d, np.ndarray) assert coorsxy.dtype == np.float32 assert d.dtype == np.float32 assert coorsxy.shape == (3, h, w) assert d.shape == (h, w) # compute pixel candidates w.r.t. the given camera parameters ------------- coorsxy = np.reshape(coorsxy, [3,-1]) d = np.reshape(d, [1, -1]) depth = (T1-T2).T * d remap = (K*R2.T) * ((R1*K.I) * coorsxy + depth) remap = np.divide(remap, remap[2, :]) remap = np.reshape(np.asarray(remap), [3, h, w]) return remap
[docs]def L2_norm(img_a, img_b, keepdims=True): """Compute the norm of the per-pixel difference between the two images. Parameters ---------- img_a : numpy array, type float32 First image, shape [h, w, 3] img_b : numpy array, type float32 Second image, shape [h, w, 3] Returns ------- numpy array Array representing the norm of the difference between the two images. The array has shape [h, w, 1] if ``keepdims==True``, [h, w] otherwise. """ assert isinstance(img_a, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(img_b, np.ndarray) assert img_a.dtype == np.float32 assert img_b.dtype == np.float32 assert len(img_a.shape) == 3 assert len(img_b.shape) == 3 assert img_b.shape == img_a.shape return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(img_a-img_b), axis=-1, keepdims=keepdims))
[docs]def homogeneous_coord_grid(h,w): '''Compute grid of homogeneous coordinates having three dimensions. Parameters ---------- h : int height w : int width Returns ------- out : numpy array, type float32 Grid of homogeneous coordinates with shape [3, h, w], whose first axis indicates the coordinate itself, that is, | ``out[0, y, :] = y`` | ``out[1, :, x] = x`` | ``out[2, :, :] = 1`` ''' assert type(h) == int assert type(w) == int X, Y = np.float32(np.meshgrid( np.arange(w, dtype=np.float32), np.arange(h, dtype=np.float32), indexing='xy')) X, Y, Z = (np.expand_dims(X,axis=0), np.expand_dims(Y,axis=0), np.ones([1, h, w], np.float32)) return np.concatenate([X, Y, Z], axis=0)
[docs]def lambda_factor(image, ws=1.0, epsilon=1.0): '''Compute the smoothness weights for the LBP algorithm. This functions computes the edge weights that will be used during the executiong of the *Loopy Belief Propagation* algorithm. The values are inversely proportional to the difference between adjacent pixels' colors. Notes ----- the math formula used to compute the lambda factor for an edge `(x,y)`, is given by .. math:: \\lambda(x,y) = w_s\\cdot \\frac{u_\\lambda(x)}{||I(x) - I(y)|| + \\epsilon}, with :math:`w_s` and :math:`\\epsilon` positive constant values, :math:`I(x)` the image's color at pixel `x`, and :math:`u_\\lambda(x)` is .. math:: u_\\lambda(x) = {|N(x)|}\\big/{\\sum_{y'\\in N(x)} \\frac{1}{||I(x) - I(y')||+\\epsilon}}. See Also -------- lbp.lbp : *Loopy Belief Propagation* implementation. Parameters ---------- image : numpy array, type float32 Array representing an image (so with shape [`h`, `w`, 3]). Returns ------- list of numpy arrays, type float32 Said list contains four smoothness weight arrays with shape [`h`, `w`]; one matrix per neighbor direction. More precisely, if we denote the four matrices as :math:`M_{up}, M_{down}, M_{left}, M_{right}`, we have that * :math:`M_{up}[y,x] = \\lambda((y,x), (y+1, x)),` * :math:`M_{down}[y,x] = \\lambda((y,x), (y-1, x)),` * :math:`M_{left}[y,x] = \\lambda((y,x), (y, x+1)),` * :math:`M_{right}[y,x] = \\lambda((y,x), (y, x-1)).` ''' assert isinstance(image, np.ndarray) assert image.dtype == np.float32 assert len(image.shape) == 3 h, w, _ = image.shape directions = utils.DIRECTIONS img = [None]*len(directions) lambda_factor = [None]*len(directions) up, do, le, ri = utils.UP,utils.DOWN, utils.LEFT, utils.RIGHT img[up] = cv2.warpAffine(image, utils.AFFINE_DIR[do], dsize=(w, h)) img[do] = cv2.warpAffine(image, utils.AFFINE_DIR[up], dsize=(w, h)) img[le] = cv2.warpAffine(image, utils.AFFINE_DIR[ri], dsize=(w, h)) img[ri] = cv2.warpAffine(image, utils.AFFINE_DIR[le], dsize=(w, h)) u_denominator = np.zeros([h,w], dtype=np.float32) # compute partial lambda factor and the denominator for the u_lambda term for j in directions: inverse_color_diff = np.float32(1)/(L2_norm(image, img[j], False) + epsilon) u_denominator += inverse_color_diff # compute denominator for u_lambda term lambda_factor[j] = inverse_color_diff # compute partial lambda factor # compute u_lambda term (approximation of the term, incorrect on image borders) u_lambda = np.float32(4)/u_denominator # compute final lambda smoothness weight for each edge for j in directions: lambda_factor[j] = ws*u_lambda*lambda_factor[j] return lambda_factor