Source code for estimate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
import os
import shutil

import cv2
import numpy as np

import compute_energy as ce
import lbp
import utils


[docs]def estimate(configparams): """Estimate and store depthmaps from a picture sequence. The picture sequence directory, and a configuration parameters is obtained by reading the configuration file *configfile*. The estimated depth-maps are subsequently stored in an output directory specified in the aforementioned file. To read a more in-depth explanation of the parameters in *configfile* see :ref:`config-file`. Notes ----- If the configuration parameter ``depthmaps_directory`` is not **null** then *bundle optimization* is performed during estimation. See Also -------- compute_frame Parameters ---------- configparams : dict Configuration parameters. This dictionary contains information about necessary files directories, as well as the values for various parameters used by the system. """ #configparams = utils.parse_configfile(configfile) # create necessary objects out_dir = configparams["output_directory"] sequence = utils.Sequence(configparams) # check output directory constraints: if os.path.isdir(out_dir): raise StandardError("The output directory already exists, remove it in order to proceed!") if os.path.exists(out_dir): raise StandardError("The output directory name is already used by another file/resource, remove it in order to proceed!") # create output directory (TODO remove if an exception occur and the folder is empty) os.mkdir(out_dir) depth_values = np.linspace( sequence.depth_min, sequence.depth_max, sequence.depth_levels, dtype=np.float32) try: for i in range(sequence.start, sequence.end): print "Estimating depth-map for frame ", str(i) depthmap = compute_frame(i-sequence.start, sequence, configparams) depthmap_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, "depth_"+str(i).zfill(4)) # save depth info depthmap = np.take(depth_values, depthmap), depthmap) # save picture of image (useful for debug purposes) Max = np.float32(depthmap.max()) cv2.imwrite(depthmap_filename+'.png', np.uint8(depthmap/Max*255)) except StandardError as e: print "Error: "+e.message except Exception as e: print "Internal Exception: "+e.message finally: if len(os.listdir(out_dir)) == 0: os.rmdir(out_dir)
[docs]def compute_frame(frame, sequence, configparams): """Estimate the (per-pixel) depth labels for a single frame in the sequence. This function executes the depth-map estimation for the frame *frame*, given the input sequence *sequence*. If ``sequence.use_bundle()==True`` then *bundle optimization* is performed using the depth-maps in *sequence*. Parameters ---------- frame : int Frame whose depth-map is estimated. sequence : utils.Sequence Object containing parameters necessary to the depth-maps estimation. It contains the camera matrices, picture arrays, length of the sequence, etc. If the sequence instance contains also previously estimated depth-maps, then the *bundle optimization* phase is also executed. configparams : dict Configuration parameters. It contains information about necessary files directories, as well as the values for various parameters used by the system. Returns ------- numpy array, type uint16 An array representing the per-pixel depth labels. The shape of such array is `[h, w]` (with `h` and `w` heigth and width of the input frame). """ assert type(frame) == int # compute parameters depth_range = sequence.depth_max - sequence.depth_min step = depth_range/sequence.depth_levels eta_default = 0.05*depth_range ws_default = 5.0/depth_range # read parameters from configuration file sigma_c = configparams["sigma_c"] or 10 sigma_d = configparams["sigma_d"] or 2.5 eta = configparams["eta"] or eta_default ws = configparams["w_s"] or ws_default epsilon = configparams["epsilon"] or 1.0 window_side = configparams["window_side"] or 10 # compute the per-pixel weight to be used during LBP pixels_weights = ce.compute_energy_data( frame_index=frame, sequence=sequence, window_side=window_side, sigma_c=sigma_c, sigma_d=sigma_d) # compute edges' weights for LBP edges_weights = ce.lambda_factor( image=sequence.I[frame], ws=ws, epsilon=epsilon) # execute LBP algorithm depthmap_indices = lbp.lbp(pixels_weights, edges_weights, eta=eta, step=step) return depthmap_indices
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #estimate('../configfile_example2.txt') if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Depth-maps recovery from video sequence.') parser.add_argument( '-i','--init', action='store_true', help='flag indicating if Disparity Initialization should be used') parser.add_argument( '-b','--bundle', action='store_true', help='flag indicating if bundle optimization should be used') parser.add_argument( 'config_file', type=str, help='configuration file.') args = parser.parse_args() try: configparams = utils.parse_configfile(args.config_file) except StandardError as e: print "Error: "+e.message except Exception as e: print "Internal Error: "+e.message if args.init and args.bundle: output_dir = configparams["output_directory"] depthmaps_dir= ".depthmaps_tmp" if os.path.exists(depthmaps_dir): shutil.rmtree(depthmaps_dir) # compute Disparity Initialization print "Starting Disparity Initialization" configparams["output_directory"] = depthmaps_dir configparams["depthmaps_directory"] = None estimate(configparams) # compute Bundle Optimization configparams["output_directory"] = output_dir configparams["depthmaps_directory"] = depthmaps_dir print "Starting Bundle Optimization" estimate(configparams) shutil.rmtree(depthmaps_dir) elif args.init: print "Starting Disparity Initialization" configparams["depthmaps_directory"] = None estimate(configparams) elif args.bundle: print "Starting Bundle Optimization" if "depthmaps_directory" not in configparams: "Error: parameter \"depthmaps_directory\" must be in the configuration file if bundle optimization is used!" estimate(configparams)